
GAM-based individual difference measures for L2 ERP studies

Meulman, N., Schmid, M., Sprenger, S., & Wieling, M. (2023, accepted)
Journal paper Research Methods in Applied Linguistics.

Sound change estimation in Netherlandic regional languages: reducing inter-transcriber variability in dialect corpora

Buurke, R., & Wieling, M. (2023)
Journal paper Taal en Tongval.


Large phonetic corpora are frequently used to investigate language variation and change in dialects, but these corpora are often constructed by many researchers in a collaborative effort. This typically results in inter-transcriber issues that may impact the reliability of analyses using these data. This problem is exacerbated when multiple phonetic corpora are compared when investigating real time dialect change. In this study, we therefore propose a method to automatically and iteratively merge phonetic symbols used in the transcriptions to obtain a more course-grained, but better comparable, phonetic transcription. Our approach is evaluated using two large phonetic Netherlandic dialect corpora in an attempt to estimate sound change in the area in the 20th century. The results are discussed in the context of the available literature about dialect change in the Netherlandic area.

Predicting citations in Dutch case law with natural language processing

Schepers, I., Medvedeva, M., Bruijn, M., Wieling, M., & Vols, M. (2023)
Journal paper Artificial Intelligence and Law.


With the ever-growing accessibility of case law online, it has become challenging to manually identify case law relevant to one's legal issue. In the Netherlands, the planned increase in the online publication of case law is expected to exacerbate this challenge. In this paper, we tried to predict whether court decisions are cited by other courts or not after being published, thus in a way distinguishing between more and less authoritative cases. This type of system may be used to process the large amounts of available data by filtering out large quantities of non-authoritative decisions, thus helping legal practitioners and scholars to find relevant decisions more easily, and drastically reducing the time spent on preparation and analysis. For the Dutch Supreme Court, the match between our prediction and the actual data was relatively strong (with a Matthews Correlation Coefficient of 0.60). Our results were less successful for the Council of State and the district courts (MCC scores of 0.26 and 0.17, relatively). We also attempted to identify the most informative characteristics of a decision. We found that a completely explainable model, consisting only of handcrafted metadata features, performs almost as well as a less well-explainable system based on all text of the decision.

Making more of little data: Improving low-resource automatic speech recognition using data augmentation

Bartelds, M., San, N., McDonnell, B., Jurafsky, D., & Wieling, M. (2023)
Proceedings paper Proceedings of ACL.

Changing usage of Low Saxon auxiliary and modal verbs

Siewert, J., Wieling, M., & Scherrer, Y. (2023)
Proceedings paper 4th International Workshop on Computational Approaches to Historical Language Change 2023.

DUMB: A Benchmark for Smart Evaluation of Dutch Models

de Vries, W., Wieling, M., & Nissim, M. (2023)
Proceedings paper EMNLP.

5-minute formant adaptation task in Dutch children

Rebernik, T., Tienkamp, T. B., Polsterer, K. M., Hukker, V., Medvedeva, M., van der Ploeg, M., Schepers, I., Sekeres, H., de Vries, W., Abur, D., Jonkers, R., Noiray, A., & Wieling, M. (2023)
Proceedings paper 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences.

SPRAAKLAB: a mobile laboratory for collecting speech production data

Wieling, M., Rebernik, T., & Jacobi, J. (2023)
Proceedings paper 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences.

Estimating the level and direction of aggregated sound change of dialects in the northern Netherlands

Buurke, R. S., Sekeres, H. G., Heeringa, W., Knooihuizen, R., & Wieling, M. (2022)
Journal paper Taal en Tongval, 74(2), 183 - 214.

Longitudinal analyses of depression, anxiety, and suicidal ideation highlight greater prevalence in the northern Dutch population during the COVID-19 lockdowns

Ori, A. P., Wieling, M., Lifelines, C. R. I., & van Loo, H. M. (2023)
Journal paper Journal of Affective Disorders, 323, 62-70.

Distance over time in a maximal sprint: understanding athletes' action boundaries in sprinting

Postma, D., Wieling, M., Lemmink, K., & Zaal, F. (2022)
Journal paper Ecological Psychology, 34(4), 133 - 156.


The present study examined the kinematics of maximal effort sprint running, mapping the relations among a person's maximal running speed, maximum running acceleration and the distance coverable in a certain amount of time by this person. Thirty-three participants were recruited to perform a simple sprint task. Both forward and backward running were considered. Participants' position, velocity and acceleration data were obtained using a Local Positioning Measurement system. Participants' speed-acceleration profiles turned out to be markedly non-linear. To account for these non-linear patterns, we propose a new macroscopic model on the kinematics of sprint running. Second, we examined whether target distance was of influence on the evolution of participants' running speeds over time. Overall, no such effect on running velocity was present, except for a 'finish-line effect'. Finally, we studied how variation in individuals' maximum running velocities and accelerations related to differences in their action boundaries. The findings are discussed in the context of affordance-based control in running to catch fly balls.

Communicative language teaching: Structure-based or Dynamic Usage-Based?

Rousse-Malpat, A., Steinkrauss, R., Wieling, M., & Verspoor, M. (2022)
Journal paper The Journal of EuroSLA, 6(1), 20 - 33.


Although communicative language teaching (CLT) was thought to have revolutionized classroom practice, there are "weak" and "strong" versions (Howatt, 1984). Most foreign language classrooms in the world still favor weak versions with structure-based (SB) views on language (Lightbown & Spada, 2013), and practice in the Netherlands is not much different (West & Verspoor, 2016). However, a small group of teachers in the Netherlands started teaching French as a second language with a strong CLT program in line with Dynamic Usage-Based (DUB) principles. Rather than focusing on rule learning and explicit grammar teaching to avoid errors, the DUB program takes the dynamics of second-language development into consideration and focuses on the three key elements of usage-based theory: frequency, salience and contingency. These translate into a great deal of exposure, repetition, learning the meaning of every single word through gestures, and presenting whole chunks of language, all without explicit grammar teaching. This study aims to compare the effects of the SB and DUB instructional programs after three years. We traced the second-language development of 229 junior high school students (aged 12 to 15) learning French in the Netherlands over three years. The participants took three oral tests over the course of three years (568 interviews) and wrote seven narratives on the same topic (1511 narratives). As expected, the DUB approach, which is in line with a strong CLT version, was more effective in achieving proficiency in both speaking and writing and equally effective in achieving accuracy.

Quantifying language variation acoustically with few resources

Bartelds, M., & Wieling, M. (2022)
Proceedings paper Proceedings of NAACL.


Deep acoustic models represent linguistic information based on massive amounts of data. Unfortunately, for regional languages and dialects such resources are mostly not available. However, deep acoustic models might have learned linguistic information that transfers to low-resource languages. In this study, we evaluate whether this is the case through the task of distinguishing low-resource (Dutch) regional varieties. By extracting embeddings from the hidden layers of various wav2vec 2.0 models (including a newly created Dutch model) and using dynamic time warping, we compute pairwise pronunciation differences averaged over 10 words for over 100 individual dialects from four (regional) languages. We then cluster the resulting difference matrix in four groups and compare these to a gold standard, and a partitioning on the basis of comparing phonetic transcriptions. Our results show that acoustic models outperform the (traditional) transcription-based approach without requiring phonetic transcriptions, with the best performance achieved by the multilingual XLSR-53 model fine-tuned on Dutch. On the basis of only six seconds of speech, the resulting clustering closely matches the gold standard.

Make the best of cross-lingual transfer: Evidence from POS tagging with over 100 languages

de Vries, W., Wieling, M., & Nissim, M. (2022)
Proceedings paper Proceedings of ACL.


Cross-lingual transfer learning with large multilingual pre-trained models can be an effective approach for low-resource languages with no labeled training data. Existing evaluations of zero-shot cross-lingual generalisability of large pre-trained models use datasets with English training data, and test data in a selection of target languages. We explore a more extensive transfer learning setup with 65 different source languages and 105 target languages for part-of-speech tagging. Through our analysis, we show that pre-training of both source and target language, as well as matching language families, writing systems, word order systems, and lexical-phonetic distance significantly impact cross-lingual performance. The findings described in this paper can be used as indicators of which factors are important for effective zero-shot cross-lingual transfer to zero- and low-resource languages.

Low Saxon dialect distances at the orthographic and syntactic level

Siewert, J., Scherrer, Y., & Wieling, M. . (2022)
Proceedings paper Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Computational Approaches to Historical Language Change.

Neural representations for modeling variation in speech

Bartelds, M., de Vries, W., Sanal, F., Richter, C., Liberman, M., & Wieling, M. (2022)
Journal paper Journal of Phonetics.


Variation in speech is often quantified by comparing phonetic transcriptions of the same utterance. However, manually transcribing speech is time-consuming and error prone. As an alternative, therefore, we investigate the extraction of acoustic embeddings from several self-supervised neural models. We use these representations to compute word-based pronunciation differences between non-native and native speakers of English, and between Norwegian dialect speakers. For comparison with several earlier studies, we evaluate how well these differences match human perception by comparing them with available human judgements of similarity. We show that speech representations extracted from a specific type of neural model (i.e.~Transformers) lead to a better match with human perception than two earlier approaches on the basis of phonetic transcriptions and MFCC-based acoustic features. We furthermore find that features from the neural models can generally best be extracted from one of the middle hidden layers than from the final layer. We also demonstrate that neural speech representations not only capture segmental differences, but also intonational and durational differences that cannot adequately be represented by a set of discrete symbols used in phonetic transcriptions.

Rethinking the field of automatic prediction of court decisions

Medvedeva, M., Wieling, M., & Vols, M. (2023)
Journal paper Artificial Intelligence and Law.


In this paper, we discuss previous research in automatic prediction of court decisions. We define the difference between outcome identification, outcome-based judgement categorisation and outcome forecasting, and review how various studies fall into these categories. We discuss how important it is to understand the legal data that one works with in order to determine which task can be performed. Finally, we reflect on the needs of the legal discipline regarding the analysis of court judgements.

Automatically identifying eviction cases and outcomes within case law of Dutch Courts of First Instance

Medvedeva, M., Dam, T., Wieling, M., & Vols, M. (2021)
Proceedings paper JURIX 2021.


In this paper we attempt to identify eviction judgements within all case law published by Dutch courts in order to automate data collection, previously conducted manually. To do so we performed two experiments. The first focused on identifying judgements related to eviction, while the second focused on identifying the outcome of the cases in the judgements (eviction vs.~dismissal of the landlord's claim). In the process of conducting the experiments for this study, we have created a manually annotated dataset with eviction-related judgements and their outcomes.

Cognitive benefits of learning additional languages in old adulthood? Insights from an intensive longitudinal intervention study

Kliesch, M., Pfenninger, S., Wieling, M., Stark, E., & Meyer, M. (2021)
Journal paper Applied Linguistics, doi: 10.1093/applin/amab077.


Second language (L2) learning has been promoted as a promising intervention to stave off age-related cognitive decline. While previous studies based on mean trends showed inconclusive results, this study is the first to investigate nonlinear cognitive trajectories across a 30-week training period. German-speaking older participants (aged 64-75 years) enrolled for a Spanish course, strategy game training (active control) or movie screenings (passive control). We assessed cognitive performance in working memory, alertness, divided attention and verbal fluency on a weekly basis. Trajectories were modelled using Generalized Additive Mixed Models to account for temporally limited transfer effects and intraindividual variation in cognitive performance. Our results provide no evidence of cognitive improvement differing between the Spanish and either of the control groups during any phase of the training period. We did, however, observe an effect of baseline cognition, such that individuals with low cognitive baselines increased their performance more in the L2 group than comparable individuals in the control groups. We discuss these findings against the backdrop of the cognitive training literature and Complex Dynamic Systems Theory.

Accuracy assessment of two electromagnetic articulographs: NDI Wave and NDI Vox

Rebernik, T., Jacobi, J., Tiede, M., & Wieling, M. (2021)
Journal paper Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 64(7), 2637-2667.


Purpose: This study compares two electromagnetic articulographs (EMA) manufactured by Northern Digital, Inc.: the NDI Wave System (2008) and the NDI Vox-EMA System (2020).

Method: Four experiments were completed: (a) comparison of statically positioned sensors; 4(b) tracking dynamic movements of sensors manipulated using a motor-driven LEGO apparatus; (c) tracking small and large movements of sensors mounted in a rigid bar manipulated by hand; and (d) tracking movements of sensors rotated on a circular disc. We assessed spatial variability for statically positioned sensors, variability in the transduced Euclidean distances (EDs) between sensor pairs, and missing data rates. For sensors tracking circular movements, we compared the fit between fitted ideal circles and actual trajectories.

Results: The average sensor pair tracking error (i.e., the standard deviation of the EDs) was 1.37 mm for the WAVE and 0.12 mm for the VOX during automated trials at the fastest speed, and 0.35 mm for the WAVE and 0.14mm for the VOX during the tracking of large manual movements. The average standard deviation of the fitted circle radii charted by manual circular disc movements was 0.72mm for the WAVE sensors and 0.14mm for the VOX sensors. There was no significant difference between the WAVE and the VOX in the number of missing frames.

Conclusions: In general, the VOX system significantly outperformed the WAVE on measures of both static precision and dynamic accuracy (automated and manual). For both systems, positional precision and spatial variability were influenced by the sensors' position relative to the field generator unit (FGU; worse when further away).

Automatic judgement forecasting for pending applications of the European Court of Human Rights

Medvedeva, M., Üstün, A., Xu, X., Vols, M., & Wieling, M. (2021)
Proceedings paper Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop on Automatec Semantic Analysis of Information in Legal Text (ASAIL 2021), pp. 12 - 23.


Judicial decision classification using Natural Language Processing and machine learning has received much attention in the last decade. While many studies claim to 'predict judicial decisions', most of them only classify already made judgements. Likely due to the lack of data, there have been only a few studies that discuss the data and the methods to forecast future judgements of the courts on the basis of data available before the court judgement is known. Besides proposing a more consistent and precise terminology, as classification and forecasting each have different uses and goals, we release a first benchmark dataset consisting of documents of the European Court of Human Rights to address this task. The dataset includes raw data as well as pre-processed text of final judgements, admissibility decisions and communicated cases. The latter are published by the Court for pending applications (generally) many years before the case is judged, allowing one to forecast judgements for pending cases. We establish a baseline for this task and illustrate that it is a much harder task than simply classifying judgements.

Adapting monolingual models: data can be scarce when language similarity is high

de Vries*, W., Bartelds*, M., Nissim, M., & Wieling, M. (2021)
Proceedings paper Findings of ACL, pp. 4901 - 4907. [arXiv:2105.02855v2 [cs.CL] (* joint first authorship)].


For many (minority) languages, the resources needed to train large models are not available. We investigate the performance of zero-shot transfer learning with as little data as possible, and the influence of language similarity in this process. We retrain the lexical layers of four BERT-based models using data from two low-resource target language varieties, while the Transformer layers are independently fine-tuned on a POS-tagging task in the model's source language. By combining the new lexical layers and fine-tuned Transformer layers, we achieve high task performance for both target languages. With high language similarity, 10MB of data appears sufficient to achieve substantial monolingual transfer performance. Monolingual BERT-based models generally achieve higher downstream task performance after retraining the lexical layer than multilingual BERT, even when the target language is included in the multilingual model.

A review of data collection practices using electromagnetic articulography

Rebernik, T., Jacobi, J., Jonkers, R., Noiray, A., & Wieling, M. (2021)
Journal paper Key publication Laboratory Phonology, 12(1), 6. doi: 10.5334/labphon.237.


This paper reviews data collection practices in electromagnetic articulography (EMA) studies, with a focus on sensor placement. It consists of three parts: in the first part, we introduce electromagnetic articulography as a method. In the second part, we focus on existing data collection practices. Our overview is based on a literature review of 905 publications from a large variety of journals and conferences, identified through a systematic keyword search in Google Scholar. The review shows that experimental designs vary greatly, which in turn may limit researchers' ability to compare results across studies. In the third part of this paper we describe an EMA data collection procedure which includes an articulatory-driven strategy for determining where to position sensors on the tongue without causing discomfort to the participant. We also evaluate three approaches for preparing (NDI Wave) EMA sensors reported in the literature with respect to the duration the sensors remain attached to the tongue: 1) attaching out-of-the-box sensors, 2) attaching sensors coated in latex, and 3) attaching sensors coated in latex with an additional latex flap. Results indicate no clear general effect of sensor preparation type on adhesion duration. A subsequent exploratory analysis reveals that sensors with the additional flap tend to adhere for shorter times than the other two types, but that this pattern is inverted for the most posterior tongue sensor.

Prevalence of internalizing disorders, symptoms and traits across age using advanced non-linear methods

van Loo, H. M., Beijers, L., Wieling, M., de Jong, T. R., Schoevers, R. A., & Kendler, K. S. (2021)
Journal paper Psychological Medicine. doi: 10.1017/S0033291721001148.


Background: Most epidemiological studies show a decrease of internalizing disorders at older ages, but it is unclear how the prevalence exactly changes with age, and whether there are different patterns for internalizing symptoms and traits, and for men and women. This study investigates the impact of age and sex on the point prevalence across different mood and anxiety disorders, internalizing symptoms, and neuroticism.

Methods: We used cross-sectional data on 146,315 subjects, aged 18-80 years, from the Lifelines Cohort Study, a Dutch general population sample. Between 2012-2016, five current internalizing disorders - major depression, dysthymia, generalized anxiety disorder, social phobia and panic disorder - were assessed according to DSM-IV criteria. Depressive symptoms, anxiety symptoms, neuroticism, and negative affect were also measured. Generalized additive models were used to identify nonlinear patterns of internalizing disorders, symptoms and traits over lifetime, and to investigate sex differences.

Results: The point prevalence of internalizing disorders generally increased between the ages of 18-30 years, stabilized between 30-50, and decreased after age 50. The patterns of internalizing symptoms and traits were different. Negative affect and neuroticism gradually decreased after age 18. Women reported more internalizing disorders than men, but the relative difference remained stable across age (relative risk ~1.7).

Conclusions: The point prevalence of internalizing disorders was typically highest between age 30-50, but there were differences between the disorders, which could indicate differences in etiology. The relative gap between the sexes remained similar across age, suggesting that changes in sex hormones around the menopause do not significantly influence women's risk of internalizing disorders.

Dialectology for computational linguists

Nerbonne, J., Heeringa, W., Prokić, J., & Wieling, M. (2021)
Book chapter In: Marcos Zampieri, & Preslav Nakov (eds.) Similar Languages, Varieties, and Dialects: A Computational Perspective. Cambridge University Press, pp. 96 - 118.

L2 developmental measures from a dynamic perspective

Verspoor, M., Lowie, W., & Wieling, M. (2021)
Book chapter In: Magali Paquot, & Bert LeBruyn (eds.) Learner Corpora Researchs Meets Second Language Acquisition. Cambridge University Press, pp. 172 - 190. [doi: 10.1017/9781108674577.009].

Regional Dialectology: Quantitative Approaches using R

Grieve, J., & Wieling, M. (in preparation, ~2024/2025)
Book Cambridge University Press. Book contract signed.

A novel paradigm to investigate phonetic convergence in interaction

Wieling, M., Tiede, M., Rebernik, T., de Jong, L., Braggaar, A., Bartelds, M., Medvedeva, M., Heisterkamp, P., Freire Offrede, T., Sekeres, H., Pot, A., van der Ploeg, M., Volkers, K., & Mills, G. (2020)
Proceedings paper Proceedings of the 12th International Seminar on Speech Production, pp. 1 - 4.

Characterizing tongue tremor in Parkinson's disease using EMA

Jacobi, J., Rebernik, T., Jonkers, R., Maassen, B., Proctor, M., & Wieling, M. (2020)
Proceedings paper Proceedings of the 12th International Seminar on Speech Production, pp. 80 - 83.

Experimental approaches in electromagnetic articulography

Rebernik, T., Jacobi, J., Jonkers, R., Noiray, A., & Wieling, M. (2020)
Proceedings paper Proceedings of the 12th International Seminar on Speech Production, pp. 5 - 8.

Measuring foreign accent strength using an acoustic distance measure

Bartelds, M., de Vries, W., Richter, C., Liberman, M., & Wieling, M. (2020)
Proceedings paper Proceedings of the 12th International Seminar on Speech Production, pp. 17 - 20.

Vowel production in congenitally blind and sighted Australian English speakers

Janić, M., Rebernik, T., Veenstra, P., Wissink, E., Wieling, M., & Proctor, M. (2020)
Proceedings paper Proceedings of the 12th International Seminar on Speech Production, pp. 91 - 94.

Using ultrasound tongue imaging to improve L2 English pronunciation in Dutch students

de Jong, L., Rebernik, T., Vaziri, S., & Wieling, M. (2020)
Proceedings paper Proceedings of the 12th International Seminar on Speech Production, pp. 60 - 63.

JURI SAYS: an automatic judgement prediction system for the European Court of Human Rights

Medvedeva, M., Xu, X., Wieling, M., & Vols, M. (2020)
Proceedings paper JURIX 2020, pp. 277 - 280.


In this paper we present the web platform JURI SAYS that automatically predicts decisions of the European Court of Human Rights based on communicated cases, which are published by the court early in the proceedings and are often available many years before the final decision is made. Our system therefore predicts future judgements of the court. The platform is available at jurisays.com and shows the predictions compared to the actual decisions of the court. It is automatically updated every month by including the prediction for the new cases. Additionally, the system highlights the sentences and paragraphs that are most important for the prediction (i.e. violation vs. no violation of human rights).

LSDC - A comprehensive dataset for Low Saxon dialect classification

Siewert, J., Scherrer, Y., Wieling, M., & Tiedemann, J. (2020)
Proceedings paper Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on NLP for Similar Languages, Varieties and Dialects, pp. 25 - 35.


We present a new comprehensive dataset for the unstandardised West-Germanic language Low Saxon covering the last two centuries, the majority of modern dialects and various genres, which will be made openly available in connection with the final version of this paper. Since so far no such comprehensive dataset of contemporary Low Saxon exists, this provides a great contribution to NLP research on this language. We also test the use of this dataset for dialect classification by training a few baseline models comparing statistical and neural approaches. The performance of these models shows that in spite of an imbalance in the amount of data per dialect, enough features can be learned for a relatively high classification accuracy.

The Impact of Alcohol on L1 vs. L2

Offrede, T., Jacobi, J., Rebernik, T., de Jong, L., Keulen, S., Veenstra, P., Noiray, A., & Wieling, M. (2021)
Journal paper Language and Speech, 64(3), 681-692. doi: 10.1177/0023830920953169.


Alcohol intoxication is known to affect many aspects of human behavior and cognition; one of such affected systems is articulation during speech production. Although much research has revealed that alcohol negatively impacts pronunciation in a first language (L1), there is only initial evidence suggesting a potential beneficial effect of inebriation on articulation in a non-native language (L2). The aim of this study was thus to compare the effect of alcohol consumption on pronunciation in an L1 and an L2. Participants who had ingested different amounts of alcohol provided speech samples in their L1 (Dutch) and L2 (English), and native speakers of each language subsequently rated the pronunciation of these samples on their intelligibility (for the L1) and accent nativelikeness (for the L2). These data were analyzed with generalized additive mixed modeling. Participants' blood alcohol concentration indeed negatively affected pronunciation in L1, but it produced no significant effect on the L2 accent ratings. The expected negative impact of alcohol on L1 articulation can be explained by reduction in fine motor control. We present two hypotheses to account for the absence of any effects of intoxication on L2 pronunciation: (i) there may be a reduction in L1 interference on L2 speech due to decreased motor control or (ii) alcohol may produce a differential effect on each of the two linguistic subsystems.

A new acoustic-based pronunciation distance measure

Bartelds, M., Richter, C., Liberman, M., & Wieling, M. (2020)
Journal paper Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence, doi: 10.3389/frai.2020.00039.


We present an acoustic distance measure for comparing pronunciations, and apply the measure to assess foreign accent strength in American-English by comparing speech of non-native American-English speakers to a collection of native American-English speakers. An acoustic-only measure is valuable as it does not require the time-consuming and error-prone process of phonetically transcribing speech samples which is necessary for current edit distance-based approaches. We minimize speaker variability in the data set by employing speaker-based cepstral mean and variance normalization, and compute word-based acoustic distances using the dynamic time warping algorithm. Our results indicate a strong correlation of r = -0.71 (p < 0.0001) between the acoustic distances and human judgments of native-likeness provided by more than 1,100 native American-English raters. Therefore, the convenient acoustic measure performs only slightly lower than the state-of-the-art transcription-based performance of r = -0.77. We also report the results of several small experiments which show that the acoustic measure is not only sensitive to segmental differences, but also to intonational differences and durational differences. However, it is not immune to unwanted differences caused by using a different recording device.

Using machine learning to predict decisions of the European Court of Human Rights

Medvedeva, M., Vols, M., & Wieling, M. (2020)
Journal paper Artificial Intelligence and Law, 28, 237-266.


When courts started publishing judgements, big data analysis (i.e. largescale statistical analysis of case law and machine learning) within the legal domain became possible. By taking data from the European Court of Human Rights as an example, we investigate how Natural Language Processing tools can be used to analyse texts of the court proceedings in order to automatically predict (future) judicial decisions. With an average accuracy of 75% in predicting the violation of 9 articles of the European Convention on Human Rights our (relatively simple) approach highlights the potential of machine learning approaches in the legal domain. We show, however, that predicting decisions for future cases based on the cases from the past negatively impacts performance (average accuracy range from 58% to 68%). Furthermore, we demonstrate that we can achieve a relatively high classification performance (average accuracy of 65%) when predicting outcomes based only on the surnames of the judges that try the case.

Effectiveness of a dynamic usage based Computer Assisted Language program

Irshad, M., Keijzer, M., Wieling, M., & Verspoor, M. (2019)
Journal paper Dutch Journal of Applied Linguistics, 8(2), 137 - 162.

The influence of alcohol on L1 vs. L2 pronunciation

Wieling, M., Blankevoort, C., Hukker, V., Jacobi, J., de Jong, L., Keulen, S., Medvedeva, M., van der Ploeg, M., Pot, A., Rebernik, T., Veenstra, P., & Noiray, A. (2019)
Proceedings paper Proceedings of ICPhS 2019, pp. 3622 - 3626.

The effect of Levodopa on articulation in Parkinson's disease: A cross-linguistic study

Jacobi, J., Rebernik, T., Jonkers, R., Maassen, B., Proctor, M., & Wieling, M. (2019)
Proceedings paper Proceedings of ICPhS 2019, pp. 1069 - 1073.

Back from the future: nonlinear anticipation in adults and children's speech

Noiray, A., Wieling, M., Abakarova, D., Rubertus, E., & Tiede, M. (2019)
Journal paper Journal of Speech Language and Hearing Research, 62, 3033 - 3054.

Reproducibility in computational linguistics: are we willing to share?

Wieling, M., Rawee, J., & van Noord, G. (2018)
Journal paper Computational Linguistics, 44(4), 641 - 649.


This study focuses on an essential precondition for reproducibility in computational linguistics: the willingness of authors to share relevant source code and data. Ten years after Ted Pedersen's influential ``Last Words'' contribution in Computational Linguistics, we investigate to what extent researchers in computational linguistics are willing and able to share their data and code. We surveyed all 395 full papers presented at the 2011 and 2016 ACL Annual Meetings, and identified if links to data and code were provided. If working links were not provided, authors were requested to provide this information. While data was often available, code was shared less often. When working links to code or data were not provided in the paper, authors provided the code in about one third of cases. For a selection of ten papers, we attempted to reproduce the results using the provided data and code. We were able to reproduce the results approximately for half of the papers. For only a single paper we obtained the exact same results. Our findings show that even though the situation appears to have improved comparing 2016 to 2011, empiricism in computational linguistics still largely remains a matter of faith (Pedersen, 2008). Nevertheless, we are somewhat optimistic about the future. Ensuring reproducibility is not only important for the field as a whole, but also for individual researchers: below we show that the median citation count for studies with working links to the source code are higher.

Post-editing effort of a novel with statistical and neural machine translation

Toral, A., Wieling, M., & Way, A. (2018)
Journal paper Frontiers in Digital Humanities, 5. doi: 10.3389/fdigh.2018.00009.


We conduct the first experiment in the literature in which a novel is translated automatically and then post-edited by professional literary translators. Our case study is Warbreaker, a popular fantasy novel originally written in English, which we translate into Catalan. We translated one chapter of the novel (over 3,700 words, 330 sentences) with two data-driven approaches to Machine Translation (MT): phrase-based statistical MT (PBMT) and neural MT (NMT). Both systems are tailored to novels; they are trained on over 100 million words of fiction. In the post-editing experiment, six professional translators with previous experience in literary translation translate subsets of this chapter under three alternating conditions: from scratch (the norm in the novel translation industry), post-editing PBMT, and post-editing NMT. We record all the keystrokes, the time taken to translate each sentence, as well as the number of pauses and their duration. Based on these measurements, and using mixed-effects models, we study post-editing effort across its three commonly studied dimensions: temporal, technical and cognitive. We observe that both MT approaches result in increases in translation productivity: PBMT by 18%, and NMT by 36%. Post-editing also leads to reductions in the number of keystrokes: by 9% with PBMT, and by 23% with NMT. Finally, regarding cognitive effort, post-editing results in fewer (29% and 42% less with PBMT and NMT respectively) but longer pauses (14% and 25%).

Analyzing dynamic phonetic data using generalized additive mixed modeling: a tutorial focusing on articulatory differences between L1 and L2 speakers of English

Wieling, M. (2018)
Journal paper Key publication Journal of Phonetics, 70, 86 - 116.


In phonetics, many datasets are encountered which deal with dynamic data collected over time. Examples include diphthongal formant trajectories and articulator trajectories observed using electromagnetic articulography. Traditional approaches for analyzing this type of data generally aggregate data over a certain timespan, or only include measurements at a fixed time point (e.g., formant measurements at the midpoint of a vowel). In this paper, I discuss generalized additive modeling, a non-linear regression method which does not require aggregation or the pre-selection of a fixed time point. Instead, the method is able to identify general patterns over dynamically varying data, while simultaneously accounting for subject and item-related variability. An advantage of this approach is that patterns may be discovered which are hidden when data is aggregated or when a single time point is selected. A corresponding disadvantage is that these analyses are generally more time consuming and complex. This tutorial aims to overcome this disadvantage by providing a hands-on introduction to generalized additive modeling using articulatory trajectories from L1 and L2 speakers of English within the freely available R environment. All data and R code is made available to reproduce the analysis presented in this paper.

Individual differences in very young Chinese children's English vocabulary breadth and semantic depth: internal and external factors

Sun, H., Steinkrauss, R., Wieling, M., & de Bot, K. (2018)
Journal paper International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 21(4), 405 - 425.

Providers' competencies positively affect personal recovery of involuntarily admitted patients with severe mental illness: A prospective observational study

Jas, E., & Wieling, M. (2018)
Journal paper International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 64(2), 145 - 155.

Border effects among Catalan dialects

Wieling, M., Valls, E., Baayen, R. H., & Nerbonne, J. (2018)
Book chapter In: Dirk Speelman, Kris Heylen, & Dirk Geeraerts (eds.) Mixed Effects Regression Models in Linguistics. Berlin: Springer (Quantitative methods in the Humanities and Social Sciences), pp. 71 - 97.

Statistics for aggregate variationist analyses

Nerbonne, J., & Wieling, M. (2018)
Book chapter In: Charles Boberg, John Nerbonne, & Dominic Watt (eds.) Handbook of Dialectology. Boston: Wiley, pp. 400 - 414.

From Semantics to Dialectometry. Festschrift in Honor of John Nerbonne

Wieling, M., Kroon, M., van Noord, G., & Bouma, G. (eds.) (2017)
Book Tributes 32, College Publications. 418 pp.

itsadug: Interpreting Time Series and Autocorrelated Data Using GAMMs

van Rij, J., Wieling, M., Baayen, R. H., & van Rij, H. (2020)
R packageVersion 2.4

Identifying predictive features for textual genre classification: the key role of syntactic features

Cimino, A., Wieling, M., Dell'Orletta, F., Montemagni, S., & Venturi, G. (2017)
Proceedings paper Proceedings of the Fourth Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics, Paper 39.

Articulatory differences between L1 and L2 speakers of English

Wieling, M., Veenstra, P., Adank, P., & Tiede, M. (2017)
Proceedings paper Proceedings of the 11th International Seminar on Speech Production, Paper 1.

Individual alpha peak frequency predicts 10 Hz flicker effects on selective attention

Gulbinaite, R., van Viegen, T., Wieling, M., Cohen, M., & VanRullen, R. (2017)
Journal paper The Journal of Neuroscience, 37(42), 10173 - 10184.

Sharing is caring: the future of shared tasks

Nissim, M., Abzianidze, L., Evang, K., van der Goot, R., Haagsma, H., Plank, B., & Wieling, M. (2017)
Journal paper Computational Linguistics, 43(4), 897 - 904.

The power of character n-grams in native language identification

Kulmizev, A., Blankers, B., Bjerva, J., Nissim, M., van Noord, G., Plank, B., & Wieling, M. (2017)
Proceedings paper Proceedings of the 12th Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications, pp. 382 - 389.

Analysis of acoustic-to-articulatory speech inversion across different accents and languages

Sivaraman, G., Espy-Wilson, C., & Wieling, M. (2017)
Proceedings paper Proceedings of Interspeech 2017, pp. 974 - 978.

Quantitative identification of dialect-specific articulatory settings

Wieling, M., & Tiede, M. (2017)
Journal paper Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 142(1), 389 - 394.

Eye-tracking the effect of word order in sentence comprehension in aphasia: Evidence from Basque, a free word order ergative language

Arantzeta, M., Bastiaanse, R., Burchert, F., Wieling, M., Zabaleta, M. M., & Laka, I. (2017)
Journal paper Language, Cognition and Neuroscience, 32(10), 1320 - 1343.

Multimodal character viewpoint in quoted dialogue sequences

Stec, K., Huiskes, M., Wieling, M., & Redeker, G. (2017)
Journal paper Glossa: a journal of general linguistics, 2(1), 39.

Exploring the role of extra-linguistic factors in defining dialectal variation patterns through cluster comparison.

Montemagni, S., & Wieling, M. (2017)
Book chapter In: Martijn Wieling, Martin Kroon, Gertjan van Noord, & Gosse Bouma (eds.) From Semantics to Dialectometry. Festschrift in honor of John Nerbonne. Tributes 32, London: College Publications, pp. 241 - 251. [Note: not peer-reviewed].

Variation and change in the use of hesitation markers in Germanic languages

Wieling, M., Grieve, J., Bouma, G., Fruehwald, J., Coleman, J., & Liberman, M. (2016)
Journal paper Key publication Language Dynamics and Change, 6(2), 199 - 234.


In this study, we investigate crosslinguistic patterns in the alternation between UM, a hesitation marker consisting of a neutral vowel followed by a final labial nasal, and UH, a hesitation marker consisting of a neutral vowel in an open syllable. Based on a quantitative analysis of a range of spoken and written corpora, we identify clear and consistent patterns of change in the use of these forms in various Germanic languages (English, Dutch, German, Norwegian, Danish, Faroese) and dialects (American English, British English), with the use of UM increasing over time relative to the use of UH. We also find that this pattern of change is generally led by women and more educated speakers. Finally, we propose a series of possible explanations for this surprising change in hesitation marker usage that is currently taking place across Germanic languages.

Investigating dialectal differences using articulography

Wieling, M., Tomaschek, F., Arnold, D., Tiede, M., Bröker, F., Thiele, S., Wood, S. N., & Baayen, R. H. (2016)
Journal paper Key publication Journal of Phonetics, 59, 122 - 143.


The present study uses electromagnetic articulography, by which the position of tongue and lips during speech is measured, for the study of dialect variation. By using generalized additive modeling to analyze the articulatory trajectories, we are able to reliably detect aggregate group differences, while simultaneously taking into account the individual variation of dozens of speakers. Our results show that two Dutch dialects show clear differences in their articulatory settings, with generally a more anterior tongue position in the dialect from Ubbergen in the southern half of the Netherlands than in the dialect of Ter Apel in the northern half of the Netherlands. A comparison with formant-based acoustic measurements further reveals that articulography is able to reveal interesting structural articulatory differences between dialects which are not visible when only focusing on the acoustic signal.

Read my points: effect of animation type when speech-reading from EMA data

James, K., & Wieling, M. (2016)
Proceedings paper Proceedings of the 14th SIGMORPHON Workshop on Computational Research in Phonetics, Phonology, and Morphology, pp. 87 - 92.

ALT Explored: integrating an online dialectometric tool and an online dialect atlas

Wieling, M., Sassolini, E., Cucurullo, N., & Montemagni, S. (2016)
Proceedings paper Proceedings of LREC 2016, pp. 3265 - 3272.

How to analyze linguistic change using mixed models, growth curve analysis and generalized additive modeling

Winter, B., & Wieling, M. (2016)
Journal paper Journal of Language Evolution, 1(1), 7 - 18.

Infrequent forms: noise or not?

Wieling, M., & Montemagni, S. (2016)
Book chapter In: Marie-Hélène Côté, Remco Knooihuizen, & John Nerbonne (eds.) The Future of Dialects. Berlin: Language Science Press (Language Variation), pp. 215 - 224.

Tracking linguistic features underlying lexical variation patterns: a case study on Tuscan dialects

Wieling, M., & Montemagni, S. (2016)
Book chapter In: Marie-Hélène Côté, Remco Knooihuizen, & John Nerbonne (eds.) The Future of Dialects. Berlin: Language Science Press (Language Variation), pp. 117 - 134.

Automatically identifying characteristic features of non-native English accents

Bloem, J., Wieling, M., & Nerbonne, J. (2016)
Book chapter In: Marie-Hélène Côté, Remco Knooihuizen, & John Nerbonne (eds.) The Future of Dialects. Berlin: Language Science Press (Language Variation), pp. 155 - 172.

Age effects in L2 grammar processing as revealed by ERPs and how (not) to study them

Meulman, N., Wieling, M., Sprenger, S., Stowe, L., & Schmid, M. (2015)
Journal paper Key publication PLOS ONE, 10(12), e0143328.


In this study we investigate the effect of age of acquisition (AoA) on grammatical processing in second language learners as measured by event-related brain potentials (ERPs). We compare a traditional analysis involving the calculation of averages across a certain time window of the ERP waveform, analyzed with categorical groups (early vs. late), with a generalized additive modeling analysis, which allows us to take into account the full range of variability in both AoA and time. Sixty-six Slavic advanced learners of German listened to German sentences with correct and incorrect use of non-finite verbs and grammatical gender agreement. We show that the ERP signal depends on the AoA of the learner, as well as on the regularity of the structure under investigation. For gender agreement, a gradual change in processing strategies can be shown that varies by AoA, with younger learners showing a P600 and older learners showing a posterior negativity. For verb agreement, all learners show a P600 effect, irrespective of AoA. Based on their behavioral responses in an offline grammaticality judgment task, we argue that the late learners resort to computationally less efficient processing strategies when confronted with (lexically determined) syntactic constructions different from the L1. In addition, this study highlights the insights the explicit focus on the time course of the ERP signal in our analysis framework can offer compared to the traditional analysis.

The role of frequency in the retrieval of nouns and verbs in aphasia

Bastiaanse, R., Wieling, M., & Wolthuis, N. (2015)
Journal paper Aphasiology, 30(11), 1221 - 1239.

Determinants of English accents

Wieling, M., Bloem, J., Baayen, R. H., & Nerbonne, J. (2015)
Proceedings paper Proceedings of the 6th Conference on Quantitative Investigations in Theoretical Linguistics, doi: 10.15496/publikation-8628.

Comparing L1 and L2 speakers using articulography

Wieling, M., Veenstra, P., Adank, P., Weber, A., & Tiede, M. (2015)
Proceedings paper Proceedings of ICPhS 2015, Paper 551.

Investigating dialectal differences using articulography

Wieling, M., Tomaschek, F., Arnold, D., Tiede, M., & Baayen, R. H. (2015)
Proceedings paper Proceedings of ICPhS 2015, Paper 231.

Advances in dialectometry

Wieling, M., & Nerbonne, J. (2015)
Journal paper Key publication Annual Review of Linguistics, 1, 243-264.


Dialectometry applies computational and statistical analyses within dialectology, making work more easily replicable and understandable. This survey article first reviews the field briefly in order to focus on developments in the past five years. Dialectometry no longer focuses exclusively on aggregate analyses, but rather deploys various techniques to identify representative and distinctive features with respect to areal classifications. Analyses proceeding explicitly from geostatistical techniques have just begun. The exclusive focus on geography as explanation for variation has given way to analyses combining geographical, linguistic, and social factors underlying language variation. Dialectometry has likewise ventured into diachronic studies and has also contributed theoretically to comparative dialectology and the study of dialect diffusion. Although the bulk of research involves lexis and phonology, morphosyntax is receiving increasing attention. Finally, new data sources and new (online) analytical software are expanding dialectometry's remit and its accessibility.

The differential effects of direct and indirect speech on discourse comprehension in Dutch and English listeners with and without aphasia

Groenewold, R., Bastiaanse, R., Nickels, L., Wieling, M., & Huiskes, M. (2015)
Journal paper Aphasiology, 29(6), 685 - 704.

Social, geographical, and lexical influence on Dutch dialect pronunciations

Ko, V., Wieling, M., Wit, E., Nerbonne, J., & Krijnen, W. (2014)
Journal paper Computational Linguistics in the Netherlands Journal, 4(2), 253 - 269.

Lexical differences between Tuscan dialects and standard Italian: accounting for geographic and socio-demographic variation using generalized additive mixed modeling

Wieling, M., Montemagni, S., Nerbonne, J., & Baayen, R. H. (2014)
Journal paper Key publication Language, 90(3), 669 - 692.


This study uses a generalized additive mixed-effects regression model to predict lexical differences in Tuscan dialects with respect to standard Italian. We used lexical information for 170 concepts used by 2,060 speakers in 213 locations in Tuscany. In our model, geographical position was found to be an important predictor, with locations more distant from Florence having lexical forms more likely to differ from standard Italian. In addition, the geographical pattern varied significantly for low- versus high-frequency concepts and older versus younger speakers. Younger speakers generally used variants more likely to match the standard language. Several other factors emerged as significant. Male speakers as well as farmers were more likely to use lexical forms different from standard Italian. In contrast, higher-educated speakers used lexical forms more likely to match the standard. The model also indicates that lexical variants used in smaller communities are more likely to differ from standard Italian. The impact of community size, however, varied from concept to concept. For a majority of concepts, lexical variants used in smaller communities are more likely to differ from the standard Italian form. For a minority of concepts, however, lexical variants used in larger communities are more likely to differ from standard Italian. Similarly, the effect of the other community- and speaker-related predictors varied per concept. These results clearly show that the model succeeds in teasing apart different forces influencing the dialect landscape and helps us to shed light on the complex interaction between the standard Italian language and the Tuscan dialectal varieties. In addition, this study illustrates the potential of generalized additive mixed-effects regression modeling applied to dialect data.

Measuring foreign accent strength in English: validating Levenshtein distance as a measure

Wieling, M., Bloem, J., Mignella, K., Timmermeister, M., & Nerbonne, J. (2014)
Journal paper Language Dynamics and Change, 4(2), 253 - 269.

Assessing the readability of sentences: which corpora and features?

Dell'Orletta, F., Wieling, M., Cimino, A., Venturi, G., & Montemagni, S. (2014)
Proceedings paper Proceedings of the 9th Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications, pp. 163 - 173.

Vowel articulation affected by word frequency

Tomaschek, F., Tucker, B. V., Wieling, M., & Baayen, R. H. (2014)
Proceedings paper Proceedings of the 10th International Seminar on Speech Production, pp. 429 - 432.

The effects of direct and indirect speech on discourse comprehension in Dutch listeners with and without aphasia

Groenewold, R., Bastiaanse, R., Nickels, L., Wieling, M., & Huiskes, M. (2014)
Journal paper Aphasiology, 28(7), 862 - 884.

A cognitively grounded measure of pronunciation distance

Wieling, M., Nerbonne, J., Bloem, J., Gooskens, C., Heeringa, W., & Baayen, R. H. (2014)
Journal paper PLOS ONE, 9(1), e75734.

Analyzing the BBC Voices data: contemporary English dialect areas and their characteristic lexical variants

Wieling, M., Upton, C., & Thompson, A. (2014)
Journal paper Literary and Linguistic Computing, 29(1), 107 - 117.

Word frequency, vowel length and vowel quality in speech production: an EMA study of the importance of experience

Tomaschek, F., Wieling, M., Arnold, D., & Baayen, R. H. (2013)
Proceedings paper Proceedings of Interspeech 2013, pp. 1302 - 1306.

Measuring socially motivated pronunciation differences

Nerbonne, J., van Ommen, S., Gooskens, C., & Wieling, M. (2013)
Book chapter In: Lars Borin, & Anju Saxena (eds.) Approaches to Measuring Linguistic Differences. Berlin: Mouton De Gruyter, pp. 107 - 140.

Physical predictors of cognitive performance in healthy older adults: a cross-sectional analysis

Blankevoort, G., Scherder, E., Wieling, M., Hortobágyi, T., Brouwer, W., Geuze, R., & van Heuvelen, M. (2013)
Journal paper PLOS ONE, 8(7), e70799.

Voices dialectometry at the University of Groningen

Wieling, M. (2013)
Book chapter In: Clive Upton, & Bethan Davies (eds.) Analysing 21st-century British English: Conceptual and Methodological Aspects of the BBC 'Voices' Project. London: Routledge, pp. 208 - 218.

Analyzing phonetic variation in the traditional English dialects: simultaneously clustering dialects and phonetic features

Wieling, M., Shackleton Jr., R. G., & Nerbonne, J. (2013)
Journal paper Literary and Linguistic Computing, 28(1), 31 - 41.

Synchronic patterns of Tuscan phonetic variation and diachronic change: evidence from a dialectometric study

Montemagni, S., Wieling, M., de Jonge, B., & Nerbonne, J. (2013)
Journal paper Literary and Linguistic Computing, 28(1), 157 - 172.

Linguistic advergence and divergence in north-western Catalan: a dialectometric investigation of dialect leveling and border effects

Valls, E., Wieling, M., & Nerbonne, J. (2013)
Journal paper Literary and Linguistic Computing, 28(1), 119 - 146.

Neuter is not common in Dutch: eye movements reveal asymmetrical gender processing

Loerts, H., Wieling, M., & Schmid, M. (2013)
Journal paper Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 42(6), 551 - 570.

Applying the Levenshtein distance to Catalan dialects: a brief comparison of two dialectometric approaches

Valls, E., Nerbonne, J., Prokić, J., Wieling, M., Clua, E., & Lloret, M. (2012)
Journal paper Verba. Anuario Galego de Filoloxía, 39, 35 - 61.

A Quantitative Approach to Social and Geographical Dialect Variation

Wieling, M. (2012)
DissertationUniversity of Groningen. 178 pp.

Inducing a measure of phonetic similarity from pronunciation variation

Wieling, M., Margaretha, E., & Nerbonne, J. (2012)
Journal paper Journal of Phonetics, 40(2), 307 - 314.

Patterns of language variation and underlying linguistic features: a new dialectometric approach

Montemagni, S., Wieling, M., de Jonge, B., & Nerbonne, J. (2012)
Book chapter In: Patricia Bianchi, Nicola De Blasi, Chiara De Caprio, & Francesco Montuori (eds.) La Variazione Nell'italiano e Nella Sua Storia. Varietà e Varianti Linguistiche e Testuali. Atti dell'XI Congresso SILFI. Firenze: Franco Cesati Editore (Società Internazionale di Linguistica e Filologia Italiana), pp. 879 - 89. [Note: not peer-reviewed].

Inducing phonetic distances from dialect variation

Wieling, M., Margaretha, E., & Nerbonne, J. (2011)
Journal paper Computational Linguistics in the Netherlands Journal, 1, 109 - 118.

Quantitative social dialectology: explaining linguistic variation geographically and socially

Wieling, M., Nerbonne, J., & Baayen, R. H. (2011)
Journal paper PLOS ONE, 6(9), e23613.

Measuring linguistic variation commensurably

Wieling, M., & Nerbonne, J. (2011)
Journal paper Dialectologia, Special Issue II: Production & Perception and Attitude, 141 - 162.

Bipartite spectral graph partitioning for clustering dialect varieties and detecting their linguistic features

Wieling, M., & Nerbonne, J. (2011)
Journal paper Computer Speech and Language, 25(3), 700 - 715.

Some further dialectometrical steps

Nerbonne, J., Prokić, J., Wieling, M., & Gooskens, C. (2010)
Book chapter In: Gotzon Aurrekoexea, & José Luis Ormaetxea (eds.) Tools for Linguistic Variation. Bilbao: Supplements of the Anuario de Filologia Vasca "Julio de Urquijo", pp. 41 - 56.

Hierarchical spectral partitioning of bipartite graphs to cluster dialects and identify distinguishing features

Wieling, M., & Nerbonne, J. (2010)
Proceedings paper Proceedings of the 2010 Workshop on Graph-based Methods for Natural Language Processing, pp. 33 - 41.

The impact of online video lecture recordings and automated feedback on student performance

Wieling, M., & Hofman, A. (2010)
Journal paper Computers and Education, 54(4), 992 - 998.

The face reveals athletic flair: better National Football League quarterbacks are better looking

Williams, K., Park, J., & Wieling, M. (2010)
Journal paper Personality and Individual Differences, 48, 112 - 116.

A quantitative examination of variation in Dutch Low Saxon morphology

Heeringa, W., Wieling, M., van den Berg, B., & Nerbonne, J. (2009)
Book chapter In: Alexandra Lenz, Charlotte Gooskens, & Siemon Reker (eds.) Low Saxon Dialects across Borders - Niedersächsische Dialekte über Grenzen hinweg. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag (ZDL-Beiheft 138), pp. 195 - 216.

Bipartite spectral graph partitioning to co-cluster varieties and sound correspondences in dialectology

Wieling, M., & Nerbonne, J. (2009)
Proceedings paper Proceedings of the 2009 Workshop on Graph-based Methods for Natural Language Processing, pp. 14 - 22.

Evaluating the pairwise string alignment of pronunciations

Wieling, M., Prokić, J., & Nerbonne, J. (2009)
Proceedings paper Proceedings of the EACL 2009 Workshop on Language Technology and Resources for Cultural Heritage, Social Sciences, Humanities, and Education, pp. 26 - 34.

Multiple sequence alignments in linguistics

Prokić, J., Wieling, M., & Nerbonne, J. (2009)
Proceedings paper Proceedings of the EACL 2009 Workshop on Language Technology and Resources for Cultural Heritage, Social Sciences, Humanities, and Education, pp. 18 - 25.

Sex-specific relationship between digit ratio (2D:4D) and romantic jealousy

Park, J., Wieling, M., Buunk, B., & Massar, K. (2008)
Journal paper Personality and Individual Differences, 44, 1039 - 1045.

Dialect pronunciation comparison and spoken word recognition

Wieling, M., & Nerbonne, J. (2007)
Proceedings paper Proceedings of the RANLP 2007 Workshop on Computational Phonology, pp. 71 - 78.

Inducing Sound Segment Differences using Pair Hidden Markov Models

Wieling, M., Leinonen, T., & Nerbonne, J. (2007)
Proceedings paper Proceedings of Ninth Meeting of the ACL Special Interest Group in Computational Morphology and Phonology, pp. 48 - 56.

An aggregate analysis of pronunciation in the Goeman-Taeldeman-van Reenen-Project data

Wieling, M., Heeringa, W., & Nerbonne, J. (2007)
Journal paper Taal en Tongval, 59, 84 - 116.

Does the face reveal athletic flair? Positions in team sports and facial attractiveness

Park, J., Buunk, B., & Wieling, M. (2007)
Journal paper Personality and Individual Differences, 43, 1960 - 1965.

Comparison of Dutch Dialects

Wieling, M. (2007)
Master thesisUniversity of Groningen. 87 pp.

Parsing partially bracketed input

Wieling, M., Nederhof, M., & van Noord, G. (2006)
Proceedings paper Proceedings of the Sixteenth Computational Linguistics in the Netherlands, pp. 1 - 16.